Stick Grounding

Stick Grounding
  1. Grounding Set Break out 150 spesial stick 10m 
  2. Grounding Stick Aparatus 20kV Newpath
  3. Grounding Equipment Overhead Work Italia Type WI332 
  4. Grounding Devis For HV Overhead Work Italia WI560A
  5. Grounding Stick Black Protect 150kV
Untuk Merk lain sesuai kebutuhan disini

Grounding Set 20 kV NGK:
  • Rating 20kV-36kV
  • Line type Medium Voltage leght
  • Cable 18 Mtr / 35mm Cable Transparan
  • Panjang Stick 1,5 Mtr Qty #3 btg

Grounding system at 20 kV electrical

power distribution explain that what is meant by grounding of electric power system is an effort to bring about system elation with the ground by using ground conductor and ground electrode which aims as a safeguard against current leakage within the system, and safeguard against thundebolt and limitpossible disruption of electrical power system which can damage electrical apparatuss and even human safety Therefore a huge electrical power system with exceeded voltage should be equipped with a grounding system within the electrical power circuit

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